Redbox Plus Partnership Redbox+ Partnership Information Please populate this form if you would like to start working with ASAP Site Services on an ongoing basis. Name First Last PhoneEmail Is dispatch contact the same as above?*YesNoDispatch Contact First Last Dispatch PhoneDispatch Email Branch Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please provide the branch address for which the pricing appliesProgram Details 1.) Haul rate is $250 a haul for standard dumpsters and $275 a haul for elite dumpsters, inclusive of any other fees 3.) No delivery fee 2.) Period is for 14 days and $10 dollars a day after 14 days 3.) Dry Run Fee: $99 4.) Elite servicing fee without picking up the box: $99 dollar toilet service fee 5.) Payment Terms: Net 15 days, invoice upon service 6.) Each franchise will set their tonnage rates and service area. You can use city, county, or zip, whichever is easiest. Pricing and Service Area*Please fill out the below table with your service area and the tonnage rate for that area. To add more rows click the + iconStateCounty/City/ZipTonnage Rate